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Dogs aren't the best at distinguishing the difference between lovely fresh food and food that's gone mouldy, so it's important to keep it out of their reach...
A recent study of fleas in the UK has revealed some rather shocking statistics. Is your pet safe from fleas? They should be! Here's why...
A long weekend, chocolate eggs aplenty and the first glimpses of warm weather - it must be Easter time! Read our pet safety tips here...
Some exciting new laws have been passed in Scotland that benefit victims or potential victims of domestic abuse. They also benefit pets too...
Have you been wondering how to help baby birds this spring? Read our latest post to find out when a fledgling needs your help (and when it doesn't...)
We probably all consider having 'just one litter' before neutering our dogs, but we strongly advise you to think things through before making any decisions...
Yes Christmas is over, yes it's cold, but things don't have to be all doom and gloom! Let's take a look at some fun ways to brighten up your January...
How can you make things a little easier for local wildlife during the winter? Click here to read our top tips...
There are many benefits of neutering your pet, whether it being a dog, a cat or a rabbit. Here, you can read all you need to know about the procedure...
We know only too well how frightened animals can become at this time of year with some eight million of our pets now having a firework phobia...
Whether you're heading out trick-or-treating or you're staying in to eat chocolates and other snacks, our top tips will help you keep your pets safe during Halloween...
New dog-breeding laws will be implemented in October 2018. They will call for all dog breeders, who intend to make a profit from the sale of their pups, to have a license...