The vast majority of medications for your pets can be provided at the time of examination or within a short period of receiving a request, so that your pet can benefit as soon as possible. We have a system of interlinked pharmacies, and a 3 times a week deliveries from our wholesalers, so if an item is not on site, we can usually source it rapidly.
Dispensing is highly regulated legally, so please bear with us if there appears to be a delay in the process. All Veterinary Prescription Only Medicines (POM-V’s) need a Vet to authorise them; and other items in different legal categories may require different trained staff to be available to hand them out.
Safe dispensing is paramount, and we have a ‘2 check & initials’ system for each item. This means that everything is checked and we have a traceable system.
Benefits of our Pharmacies: why use an in-house Pharmacy?
- Because medicating an animal is not just a paper transaction…
- We provide added information and support not found on the data sheets.
We provide the face of dispensing, somewhere to go back to for advice on giving the medication. We can guide you for example, with flea preparations towards the ones that work, and away from those that don’t do so well anymore.
Each time you request a repeat prescription, you are dealing with a real person. That short human contact can help to pick up an early indication that your pet’s health isn’t quite right, and we can often get them back on track before it’s too late.
You are dealing with people you know, with an easily accessible address, and regulated by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and in their Practice Standards Scheme.
Written prescriptions are available from this practice. You may obtain Prescription Only Medicines, category V (POM-V) from your veterinary surgeon or ask for a written prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or pharmacy. Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe POM-V’s only for animals under his or her care.
A charge is made for each written prescription, and per POM-V prescribed. You will be informed on request of the price of any medicine that may be prescribed for your animal.
A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient or immediate treatment is necessary.
The general policy of this practice is to re-examine an animal requiring repeat prescriptions at least every 6 months, but this may vary with individual circumstances. The standard charge for such re-examination is a standard consultation examination fee (these fees can be requested by contacting any of our surgeries).
We strongly urge clients who wish to use alternative pharmacies, especially on-line, to research them thoroughly, to look for the VMD (Veterinary Medicines Directorate) logo with an individual reference number, so as to minimise the risks of inappropriate or illegal dispensing for their pet’s medications.