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Cedar Grove Veterinary Clinic 02890 798457
Ormeau Veterinary Clinic 028 9032 6406

Out of Hours

Providing your pet with care around the clock

Emergency Service is Available 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week

In the event of an emergency with your pet please come to the surgery immediately during normal opening times. We will deal with you as a priority. In these circumstances it would be ideal if you could phone ahead and let us know the details so as we can be prepared for your arrival.

For URGENT cases outside normal hours:

Vets Now at 193 Belmont Road, Belfast, BT4 2AE, on 02895 080115

If you have an emergency when we are closed, please contact our partners Vets Now on 02895 080115

Fees are as follows:
Out of Hours Fee- £216.00
Consultation Fee - £72.00

Vets Now is the pet equivalent of an accident and emergency service, dedicated to providing pets with access to a vet out of hours. It’s all they do. 

Based at Vets Now, Belfast, their vets and vet nurses are specially trained to deal with pet emergencies.  Because they don’t work during the day, they’ll be up and ready to see your pet at the time you need them.

Vets Now has been providing dedicated out-of-hours emergency pet care across the UK for more than 20 years, and now responds to almost half-a-million pet emergencies every year.

We believe our partnership offers you and your pet the very best level of care, day and night.

You can find out more about their service here.

We know your pets are part of your family and our priority is, and always will be, to ensure they have access to the very best care, no matter what the time of day or night. That’s why we’re proud to partner with Vets Now.

Don’t forget, their team don’t work during the day, so you don’t have to worry about disturbing them at night. So, if you’re worried about your pet don’t hesitate to give them a call, and they’ll advise what you should do next.

We would remind you that Vets Now is a pet emergency service. For routine cases such as vaccinations and topical treatments, please call us as you would normally, during our daytime opening hours.

Vets Now Belfast

193 Belmont Road, Belfast, BT4 2AE

Phone: 02895 080115