Classes usually run one evening per week at 6:30pm and last for approximately 45 minutes. It is recommended that puppies attend the 2 classes.
Our Puppy Socialisation classes are free of charge and are only available to clients whose puppies have had their vaccinations done at the clinic. Owners will be contacted by the practice to offer a place.
A Guide for Owners
The most fundamental aspect of your puppy's upbringing is not toilet training, or even learning to walk on a lead. In fact it is something called socialisation.
Early socialisation involves teaching your puppy to relate properly to other dogs, humans, and other pets at a very young age.
Importantly, the lessons learnt will stay with the dog for life and if this process is started any later the opportunity may have passed. Without systematic early socialisation your puppy may grow up to be fearful of strangers (whether human or animal), and can even become dangerously aggressive. Many dogs develop behavioural problems, which often stem from poor socialisation at a young age.
This is why socialisation classes are so important. They are a means of ensuring your puppy gets the best possible start in life.
Why Socialisation Classes?
It is not difficult to assemble a large supporting cast of friends, family and neighbours who are ready and willing to introduce themselves to your puppy. This is a way to socialise your puppy amongst certain people but it will also need to meet unfamiliar people of different ages and sex.
Meeting other dogs is more of a problem.
Take a very young puppy to the park, for example, and not only do they run the risk of catching infectious diseases but they are actually much more likely to meet mainly older and potentially aggressive dogs. This does nothing for their socialisation and in fact sets them back and may leave them permanently frightened of other animals.
The puppy classes provided by Cedar Grove bring together only young puppies and a variety of people and objects in a stimulating environment.
The disease risk is minimised as the activities are controlled; and importantly, you'll receive some basic training yourself on what to do when you get back home.
Some people question whether the puppy needs to be introduced to other dogs at all, at such a young age. In fact it's vital, dogs have a body language all of their own and like people they need to learn in infancy.
What happens at a puppy socialisation class?
All adults and children are welcome, as long as they have a young puppy. Space is limited and therefore we ask that children need to be of an age that they can sit and concentrate rather than running around.
The class is run for two consecutive weeks and the format is as follows:
- A brief outline of puppy socialisation and introduction from a Pet Health Councillor.
- Introduction from each puppy owner on the name of the puppy, breed, and age.
- Playing pass the puppy! This gets your puppy used to being handled by all the new and unfamiliar humans present.
- Time for puppies to play - this is a vital time for puppies and allows them to play with each other in a safe and enclosed environment.
- A brief presentation on puppy health.
- A brief presentation on puppy training.
- An introduction tour of the practice during the second class.
- A folder with notes and guidance on training for you to take home.
- Question time.
Cedar Grove has five fully qualified Pet Health Councillors. Please do not hesitate to phone them for advice at any time. We also offer appointments, during the week, for your puppy to visit a Pet Health Councillor for behaviour problems, administration of worm or flea control, training advice, nail clipping, nutritional advice and guidance.