Cedar Grove Vets's home page
Cedar Grove Veterinary Clinic 02890 798457
Ormeau Veterinary Clinic 028 9032 6406

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat medications are available on request upon the following conditions

  • Your pet’s condition is steady and has not shown any recent increase in symptoms or signs of ill health. Repeat medications are dispensed at the vets’ discretion and cannot be prescribed without a vet’s authorisation.
  • Your pet must be examined and assessed by one of our veterinary surgeons. We usually set this at every 6 months, but this will vary with an individual’s health and progress. 
  • Medication which is taken off the practice’s premises cannot be returned for credit or refund.
  • These conditions are in line with the veterinary pharmacy legislation and therefore we are unable to provide medication if your pet is due for a health check.

To request a repeat medication, please complete the form below or telephone your surgery. If there is a reason we are unable to provide your pet’s medication, we will get in touch with you using the contact telephone number you provide us with.

Please note: repeat medications requests can take up to two working days to process. Some medications may also need ordering from our Wholesalers if not in stock. However, if medication is URGENT, please TELEPHONE the surgery, and we shall try to fast track the process.


About your pet



e.g. change in weight, appetite, thirst, ability to exercise, change in breathing or coughing, or any other worries.

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